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The purpose of Brick of Mormon Stories is to help children "liken all scriptures unto [them], that it might be for [their] profit and learning." (See 1 Nephi 19:23)
Stories are told using the actual verses from the Book of Mormon so children can become better acquainted with the language of the scriptures and the text written by God's prophets.
Brick of Mormon Stories
Scripture references are provided throughout to help readers follow along with family scripture study. For younger readers, a short summary is also provided next to each illustration.
Brick of Mormon Stories contains twenty-six (26) LEGO-illustrated stories from the Book of Mormon, including the following:

Laban & The Brass Plates

King Benjamin's Sermon

Burying Weapons of War

Title of Liberty

Ammon Protecting Sheep

Alma at Waters of Mormon

Alma & Sons of Mosiah
Liberty Jail

Stripling Warriors

Moroni Buries the Plates
Brother of Jared
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